
Gov Bid Marketing LLC (‘Support Kennedy 24’ or ‘we’) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it through your compliance with our Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect from you, as a part of our normal operation of service and what may happen to the information. By visiting our website or registering as a donor, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

By accepting the Privacy Policy and our terms and conditions, it implies you consent to our use and disclosure of your stated information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This policy is a part of and subject to the Support Kennedy 24 terms and conditions. This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance in registration of new registering donors and is otherwise effective on May 27, 2024 for all users.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. We do not sell or rent your stated information to third parties for their marketing purposes. Please read this Privacy Policy to learn more about the ways in which we use and protect your information. If you have any extra queries, please contact us at The privacy policy was last revised on May 27, 2024.

Client Information

Support Kennedy 24 collects two main types of information, on new registered donors and other users of our service. Other visitors may just have their page visit log monitors, to assist us in understanding user’s behavior on our site. We use such information to do internal research, on our users demographics, interests and to better serve them in the future.

Under certain circumstances with respect to clients, we may require some additional financial information, including debit and credit card information, to verify their stated personal details, also to bill them for our services.


As a matter of policy, Support Kennedy 24 does not rent or sell any of its web visitors or clients stated information to third parties for their marketing purposes.

Security of Data

Support Kennedy 24 donor data is stored and processed on our servers. We use all possible procedural and technical safeguards to protect donor information against loss and theft, as well as unauthorized access or disclosure, to protect donor privacy, including firewalls and encryption. We are always improving our techniques in securing your data. However, please beware we cannot guarantee perfect security on the internet.

Password Control

Support Kennedy 24 holds its donors responsible for any actions taken with their User ID and password, including any fees charged to their account. As a result, we suggest you do not disclose your account password to anyone. We will not be held responsible for any actions third parties take on your account. Loss of the control of your password may result in your loss of control of your personal information, also could result in legal actions which may be taken against you. Therefore we strongly suggest you alter your password if it gets compromised.

Notices of Changes

We may amend our Privacy Policy by making changes to this page. Donors will receive notification emails about material changes to our policy via their primary email address specified in their account, also via updates on our website. Donors are responsible for ensuring their emails on account are up to date, or they occasionally check Our Services and Privacy Policy for changes.

Third Party Cookies

To make it easier for customers to browse our website, we embed features from other websites like Facebook, Twitter and some web links. Browsing the Support Kennedy 24 website may place cookies from these websites unto your computer. Support Kennedy 24 does not place cookies unto customers computers, however we do not have control over cookies from third party web links. If you have a particular interest in a website, or are concerned about the way your data will be used, then you are advised to read the Privacy Policy statement of the relevant website. We try to maintain links to reputable websites which we believe will be of relevance to our customers, but please note such websites are not under our control and we do not contribute to the content of such websites.

Support Kennedy 24 cannot accept responsibility for any issues arising from third party use of your data if you visit our linked websites.

Legal Requests

Support Kennedy 24 is obliged to co-operate with government and law enforcement agencies, if we are faced with law enforcement enquiries about our donors. In response to a verified request by a law enforcement or government official relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity, we expect you to authorize us to disclose your details held by us without a subpoena, i.e. name, address, email and transaction history.

In order to protect client privacy, we will not disclose additional known information about the client without a subpoena, except where the disclosure of information is necessary to prevent imminent financial loss or physical harm.