Mr. Robert Francis Kennedy (RFK) Jr is a scion of the Kennedy dynasty, the most revered family in American Politics, due to their long tradition of public service and personal sacrifice.

His maternal great grandfather John Francis ‘Honey Fritz’ Fitzgerald, served in the United States Congress and as the Mayor of Boston. His paternal great grandfather Patrick J Kennedy served in the Boston House of Representatives. His grandfather Joseph Kennedy served under FDR during the New Deal, was the architect of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), also the US Ambassador to the United Kingdom at the outbreak of World War Two.

His father, Robert F. Kennedy Snr, was Attorney General to his uncle President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), his other uncle Edward ‘Ted’ Kennedy was one of the longest serving US senators.

In spite of his privileged upbringing and education, RFK Jr has always championed the downtrodden. He has always served underprivileged communities, like his service on the board of Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation for over 40 years. Over his career as an environmental lawyer, he has sued many corporate polluters and municipalities, to ensure safe drinking water for all Americans. His environmental activism impacts many parts of the world, with his organization Waterkeeper Alliance protecting over 2.7 million miles of waterways in over 46 countries. His organization the Children’s Defense Fund advocates for children and champions for vaccine safety among other things.

With his background and record of public service, we can believe he will champion the cause of all ordinary Americans, when he gets to the White House.

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